One way that can be done to lower high blood pressure is through dietary changes, in particular by DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension).

Generally, doctors recommend the DASH DIET enter into lifestyle, which includes more fruits, vegetables, low fat dairy products, more priority to the consumption of wheat, fish, nuts, and foods rich in magnesium, potassium and calcium.

Even so the number of servings of these foods varies for each patient. Based on the study, patients who did DASH diet can reduce blood pressure within 2 weeks.

Steps taken to implement the DASH Diet

For the first time, start slowly and gradually make changes like taking 1 teaspoon of salt per day. Then after the body can adjust to the existing diet then reduced salt intake again.

The amount of salt consumed is already includes all food consumed, so including the salt from food products, salt of food cooked or added while eating.

Here are some tips to help start the DASH diet, namely:

1. Add a serving of vegetables at lunch and dinner
2. Add one serving of fruit either as food or snacks
3. Use a half serving of butter or margarine, and use the seasoning low or fat-free
4. Limiting consumption of only 6 ounces of meat per day, try to reproduce the vegetables and dried beans
5. As a snack, choose nuts, low or fat-free yogurt, plain popcorn without butter, vegetables such as baby carrots and a piece of fruit
6. Read the food labels carefully to choose the product that is low in salt.

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