Cancer In Childrens

Besides adults, children could also affected by cancer. Cancer is most often found in children is known as leukemia or blood cancer. Leukemia is a malignant disease of cells derived from bone marrow.

60 to 70 percent of cancer in children is leukemia. There are a number of early symptoms of leukemia in children is to know parents, of whom the child's face was pale, limp child, fussy, and decreased appetite. Need to watch out also if the child has a fever for no apparent reason. For example, despite prolonged fever has been treated.

Other symptoms of an enlarged liver, spleen, and lymph nodes. There are also children who experience decreased consciousness and seizures to occur on the skin or spontaneous bleeding occurs, such as the gums.

Another sign that children prefer to be picked up or feel lazy to stand or walk on his own. Early detection is very important in order to quickly handled properly.
The healing process will take some considerable time. Children must undergo chemotherapy to cancer cells do not spread to other body parts. Children who undergo chemotherapy will be given to anti-pain medication Antiemetic.

Besides leukemia, a cancer that is also found in children in the form of solid tumors, such as retinoblastoma and neuroblastoma. According to Diamond, until now not known definitely cause cancer in children.

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